The best coffee in the world
Coffee has great importance throughout the world. That is why different events and contests are held where coffee is exhibited from around the world to decide which of them all is the best. Most recently, it was the Global Specialty Coffee EXPO Seattle 2018 and one of the winners is Peruvian.
The best coffee in the world is from Puno – Peru. It won the award for the Best Quality Coffee in the category of small producers of the Global Specialty Coffee EXPO Seattle 2018 fair held in the United States. The award went to Vicentina Phocco Palero , a partner of the cooperative Tupac Amaru , located in the district of Alto Inambari, in the province of Sandía, in the Puno region.
Once again Peru obtains a precious recognition. The coffee of the farmer Vicentina prevailed under her Quechua brand. She competed with coffees from different countries of the world and became the winner.
The farmer is part of the Central Cooperatives Agrarias Cafetaleras of the Valleys of Sandia (Cecovasa). She is a beneficiary of the Improvement Project of the Coffee Production Chain, financed by the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA) and executed by the District Municipality of Alto Inambari.
These institutions provided technical assistance in the cultivation of the beans and supported the equipment of post-harvest modules to improve coffee quality.
In this way, more Peruvians fill with pride in the land where they were born, leaving its name immortalized so that more Peruvians can also have this kind of achievements.
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