Recognitions of Machu Picchu Since Its Re-discovery
Machu Picchu, considered one of the wonders of the world, from its discovery to the present has been recognized for its history, cultural legacy, magnificence, example of engineering and architecture. This has earned it different titles and recognitions among which We can highlight the following:
• In 1983, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) included Machupicchu in its list of World Heritage Sites, the most important distinction it has held to date.
• 2007 it was declared one of the seven new wonders of the world, after a contest organized by the New 7 Wonders Foundation, in a ceremony held in Lisbon, Portugal, which included voting online.
• In 2008, Machu Picchu led the list of the 22 best-selling tourist destinations in the world according to explore, a website specializing in online sales of tour packages.
• In 2009 It was chosen as the third exotic destination preferred by the British in the Guardian and Observer Travel Awards, according to surveys carried out by readers of prestigious British newspapers.
• In 2010, the travel guide TripAdvisor placed Machu Picchu on the list of the ten most amazing places in the world, noting that “the ruins of this ancient place of worship and real retreat space dotted a landscape in which you can see amazing stairs, excavated tombs and sacred temples “.
• In 2011, the Lonely Planet international travel guide included Machupicchu, in the list of the 10 most representative buildings in the world made by man.
• In 2011, it ranked third in the 25 best destinations in the world to visit in the TripAdvisor Traveler Choice Destination Awards competition.
• In 2013, it was once again included in the top 25 travel destinations in the Traveler Choice Destination Aawards contest, organized by the prestigious Trip Advisor travel portal.
• In 2014, National Geographic magazine chose the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, as the tourist destination for travelers in 2015.
• 2014 Machu Picchu continued to generate recognition, this time it was considered one of the most photographed places in the world according to Sightsmap and Panoramio owned by Google.
• In 2016, Machu Picchu took first place in the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice 2016 awards, in the category ‘The 25 most popular places of interest in the world’.
• 2017 was the year in which Machu Picchu was chosen as “Best Tourist Attraction” in prestigious World Travel Awards, held in Phu Quoc, Vietnam.
• In 2018, at the World Travel Awards in South America, Machu Picchu won the title of ‘Best Tourist Attraction in South America’.
• The 2018 World Travel Awards, the World Award for “The Best Tourist Attraction in the World” was won by Machu Picchu, surpassing many other attractions worldwide.
• In 2008, Machu Picchu led the list of the ten best-selling destinations in the world, according to the Explore website, one of the most visited by tourists in the world and specialized in online sales of tour packages.
• In 2018, the imposing Inca citadel Machu Picchu won a new award as the “Destination Top of Dream 2018”, surpassing places recognized worldwide in the contest organized by Virtuoso Travel Dream Tournament, one of the luxury travel agency networks of U.S.
• In 2018, the charm that Machu Picchu radiates in the world continued to garner praise. This time, the prestigious publication National Geographical again referred to the Inca citadel as one of the wonders that invite you to travel and that is worth knowing.
The citadel of Macchupicchu, having the aforementioned awards, incredibly jeopardizes its conservation.
The high traffic that occurs, its situation within an ecosystem that day by day is unbalanced by the presence of tourism, which as a consequence leaves in its path plastic and pollution, displacing wildlife and is altering the flora.
Macchu Picchu is not only a wonder of the world for its buildings, representation of the Inca culture and for its privileged location in the diverse geography of Peru, for which it has just won the aforementioned recognitions; but it is an ecological system that has life so it becomes urgent to formulate a responsible plan, sustainable and respectful of the environment, by the National Institute of Culture that allows its conservation and growth.