The Octave of Corpus Christi, The Farewell of the Saints
This week, parades were held for many activities during the Cusco festivities and yesterday the Octave of Corpus Christi was celebrated. In procession the saints and their comrades return to their churches with much joyous sound.
Among a multitude of people, the saints began to leave the Cathedral to begin the procession around the Plaza de Armas, the main square, while making a blessing to the faithful.
This religious celebration is one of the most important in the city of Cusco. As a photographer, every year I have the challenge of finding new stories in the feast. Every moment of the celebration is important. I like that these images I make relate different perspectives of how I see this world.
I had the opportunity to document the celebration of Corpus Christi and its Octave in which, I really enjoy taking photos. Here I share a photo essay!