Cusco, the preferred city in Latin America
Every day thousands of people visit the city of Cusco to perform different favorite tourist activities. At the same time thousands of other people still do not decide that they can visit on their vacations. Surely this news will influence their decision.
News about the city of Cusco arrives quickly. One of the most prestigious American magazines recognized Cusco as a favorite city in Latin America. We are talking about Travel and Leisure and its survey of The World’s Best Awards 2019.
Atthe top of the 10 best cities in Central and South America, Cusco is the favorite, followed by Guatemala City, Buenos Aires, Mendoza Argentina, Quito Ecuador, Rio de Janeiro, Cartagena Colombia, Bogotá Colombia, Lima Peru and finally Valparaíso Chile.
Travel And Leisure describes Cusco as always popular, partly because it is the closest big city to Machu Picchu, and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. But the ancient city has much to recommend in its own right. “We visited on our honeymoon,” wrote one reader. “The local food was plentiful, healthy and delicious, and we were impressed with everything we tried there. We still want it all! “Another voter highlighted the” interesting history and the old Spanish-style buildings. “But it was the little moments that most told for a third voter, who” loved taking a picture with the locals and holding a baby flame.
This is the second time that Cusco is chosen as one of the best destinations to visit. As a Cusqueño, I am proud to have been born in a land rich in culture and traditions that has a lot to offer to ourselves and also to all the people who want to come to know this beautiful city and everything that it has.