
Mothers of the Land, a PeruvianDocumentary

This documentary was made by Peruvian filmmakers Álvaro and Diego Sarmiento, which premiered at the 69th edition of the Berlin Film Festival, held in February 2019. The production of SEMBRADORAS DE VIDA, its title in Spanish, tells the story of five women from the Peruvian Andes in their daily struggle to maintain a traditional and organic way of working the land.

On the official website of SEMBRADORAS DE VIDA ( it gives a synopsis of the documentary:

“In the Andean worldview, women and the land are strongly interrelated. Both the woman’s body and the earth are capable of giving life.

In a current context of the industrialization of agriculture, the use of chemical pesticides and genetically modified seeds are women who, connected to the land in sisterhood, assume the role of protectors ”

The directors Álvaro and Diego Sarmiento also talk about their documentary:

“We dedicate our lives to producing independent documentaries focused on the defense of human rights and the conservation of the environment in the Andes and the Amazon of Peru because we believe that movies have the power to change the world.”

Mothers of the Land

Something that attracts attention is that the main protagonists are from the Andes of Peru, originating in high Andean towns where agriculture is the most important economic source. We are talking about Cusco and Puno, and within them villages in Chinchero, Pisaq, Lucre, and Capachica.

The documentary accompanies Sonia, Braulia, Eliana, Brizaida, and Justa in their struggle to maintain the tradition of working the land that their ancestors left them as a legacy.

You can really appreciate hard work in this documentary. From the trailer that makes it known, the different segments are of great importance for the Andean tradition. Real-time Peruvian farmers are in complete struggle to keep traditional agriculture healthy without , the use of pesticides and chemicals that harm our organisms.

For this reason, and many others, the producers made this documentary. Soon it will be released for all the public. If you did not watch the trailer of The Mothers of the Land, you can do it Here.(

when we make our purchases in traditional markets, let us pay the fair price of the products so that our farmers can continue to produce even with traditional techniques.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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