
7 Questions About the Tourist Ticket

You are visiting the city of Cusco and want to take any tour in important places where you have to have an access pass. Here are answers to 7 common questions about that pass, the Tourist Ticket (boleto turístico).

Cusco Tourist Ticket
Cusco Tourist Ticket

1.- What is the Tourist Ticket?

The Tourist Ticket is an access pass to the most important archaeological centers and museums of the city.

2.- How many ticket types are there?

The complete ticket covers 14 places and is good for 10 days. It includes the following archaeological parks: Saqsayhuaman, Qenco, Pucapucara, Tambomachay, Pisaq, Ollantaytambo, Moray, Chinchero, Tipon and Piquillacta. And, it includes local museums: Qoricancha Site Museum, Regional Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art and the Monument to Pachacuteq. Three partial tickets Partial ticket 1: It is valid for a day and with it you can visit the following archaeological parks: Saqsayhuaman, Qenco, Pucapucara, Tambomachay. Partial ticket 2 has 2 days of validity and with it you can visit local museums: the Qoricancha site museum, the Regional Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Monument to Pachacuteq. It also includes the archaeological parks of Tipon and Piquillacta. Partial ticket 3 has 2 days of validity and with it you can visit the archaeological parks of Pisaq, Ollantaytambo, Moray and Chinchero.

3.- What is the cost of the Tourist Ticket?

Foreign Tourist The complete Tourist Ticket that includes 14 places costs 130.00/S. However, if the tourist is a student, with a valid ISIC card if between the ages of 18 and 25, the Ticket costs 70.00 /S Partial Tickets cost of 70.00/S. National tourist The complete Tourist Ticket that includes 14 places costs 70.00/S and, in the case of a student 40.00/S (Students 18-25 require a valid student ID or the ISIC card). Partial tickets have a cost of 40.00/S.

4.- Where can I buy the Tourist Ticket?

You can purchase the Tourist Ticket at the following locations. Central Counter (Avenida El Sol 103 Tourist Galerías) Monday to Sunday 08:00 – 18:00 Hrs. Tourist Information Office – DIRCETUR (Calle Mantas) Monday to Saturday 08:00 – 12:00 Hrs. / 14:00 – 18:00 Hrs. All the places included in the Tourist Ticket (with the exception of the Museum of Contemporary Art).

5.- Is it possible to buy the Tourist Ticket online?

No. The purchase must be made directly at any of the points of visit included in our Ticket or at the main office, the Counter Central de Galerías Turísticas – Av. El Sol 103.

6.- Does the Tourist Ticket include transport and tourist guide?

No. The Tourist Ticket is only for entry to the sites mentioned in the ticket.

7.- Can you visit the same place several times with the Tourist Ticket?

No. The Tourist Ticket is only for a single visit because in each place they will punch the card and they do not allow you to visit the site again unless you buy another ticket.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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