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The Love of Being Peruvian

Cusco gets all dressed up in red and white during the month of July. Its streets, markets, commercial centers, and the majority of its businesses are decorated in these colors, whether with paper chains, balloons, small paper flags, or more. Wherever one goes down the arteries of the city, whether in buses, taxis or private cars, you can feel the patriotism that unites us as Peruvians. Even the windshields show national pride.

The national symbols, the rosette, the national shield, and the flag are widely sold this month. They are offered with pins to wear them on your chest, as a sticker and in many other products so that patriotic colors fill the city and make you part of the celebration. Even lampposts join the party. They too are adorned in red and white, the colors of our Peru.

Even houses will show love for the country. They are adorned with the national flag on their doors, windows, and balconies. It is wonderful to feel that people are all joined by a singular feeling in our country filed with history. We maintain in Peru our ancestral essence and that surprises and pleases visitors.

July is experienced intensely. Between the 21st and the 31st Cusco fills with people. Performers arrive to put on concerts and the whole region celebrates through reguetón, cumbia, and folkloric music. These are just some of the rhythms that sound. You can see and hear the artists in different venues throughout the city. People attend as a means of celebrating our national fiesta. Mass media market them and remind people that it is only because of the national celebration that these artists visit our city.

Peruvian Cajón and Guitar in Lima (Photo: Walter Coraza. M)
Peruvian Cajón and Guitar in Lima (Photo: Walter Coraza. M)

During this time all the students in the various schools of Cusco parade in competition. They are dressed impeccably and are uniform in their marching to obtain the best standing with the jury. The schools that come in first and second participate in the military parade on the 26th, whether primary or secondary schools and from the different districts that compose the city. They will parade along with the Quinta Brigada de Montaña. All of this will take place in our main square, our Plaza de Armas to celebrate our 194th anniversary of independence.

In the kindergartens and institutions for Young children they celebrated with much red and white yesterday. It was a scene filled with skill and tenderness where the children celebrated the independence of our country. They performed dances from throughout Peru and won the applauses of their parent who came to admire them in the kindergartens.

We have a long holiday beginning on the 27th. People will take advantage of the opportunity to do internal tourism in Peru, to know and enjoy all that Peru and its regions offer, whether on the coast, in the mountains, or in our jungles.

Enjoy a Ceviche Today (Arnold Fernandez Coraza Morveli)
Enjoy a Ceviche Today (Arnold Fernandez Coraza Morveli)

People will enjoy a delicious ceviche on the coast, a juane or tacacho in the jungle. The chiricuchu of Cusco or a quinoa soup in the highlands are also a delight. In any case, drinking a pisco, a Cusqueña beer, rubbing shoulders with fellow Peruvians, all of this will make you feel and love more and more our land. For our guests it is also excellent to submerge themselves in the variety of foods offered by our Peru.

Walking step by step don our streets you will hear in business places and elsewhere Peruvian rhythms, whether creole music, Pepe Vasquez, Arturo Cavero, Eva Ayllon or more.

I personally love hearing this month the song “Tengo orgullo de ser peruano y soy feliz de haber nacido en estas linda tierras del sol, ricas montañas, hermosas tierras, risueñas playas, es mi Peru. (I love being a Peruvian and I am happy that I was born in these beautiful lands of the son, rich mountains, beautiful lands, laughing beaches. That is my Peru. ”).

Peruvian Runner Gladys Tejada
Peruvian Runner Gladys Tejada

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