Traditional FoodTravel

Weekend Outings for Good Food in Cuzco

Every weekend, the families of Cuzco leave their homes to enjoy an outing while wandering through the city or by visiting towns that are just a few minutes outside it. Tipòn, Saylla, Pisac, and Lucre are the most commonly visited. There they people find drinks, food, and fun for all.

In Tipón you will find lots of dishes with the delicious cuy, guinea pig. Of course there are other offerings but this place is most known for the variety of offerings based on cuy. It is only thirty minutes from Cuzco by car.

Saylla is one of the places where you can enjoy a wonderful serving of chicharron, crisp fried chunks of seasoned pork. At just twenty minutes from the city by car, it is place where people throng to enjoy this delicious dish. The town is filled with restaurants offering chicharrón, although they also have other dishes, but each restaurant specializes in this wonder of pork for you and your family.

Colonial Bridge in Lucre (Photo: El Borde de la Noche)
Colonial Bridge in Lucre (Photo: El Bebedor de la Noche)

Pisac is another town where you can go for fun and good food. There the specialty is Novo Andean cuisine. You can also enjoy roaming its weekend market where there are stands offering traditional foods along with a glass of our wonderful and naturally prepared chicha.

In Lucre, a town by some of Cuzco’s famous wetlands, you can eat your fill of trout and duck. You get to decide which you will enjoy. You might choose a baked duck dish or a fried trout.

The owners of the restaurants offer trout ponds where you can fish for your own meal. Whether the fish you catch is big or small you pay the same price and that includes it quickly going from water to table. It is served up with potatoes, salads and the typical soaked and cooked corn kernels called mote.

After your trout or duck, you can taste one of Lucre’s famous desserts on the plaza.

By Lucre you can also enjoy the spectacular lake called Huacarpay.

These are the most visited places where you can enjoy a relaxing weekend away from the city while tasting good food. They are all really good.

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