The Restitution of God Viracocha in The Cathedral of Cusco
In the Inca empire they had a polytheistic religion. They believed in many deities, most of them from nature, but Viracocha was one of the most important deities of the Inca Empire. He was considered the creator of all things, or the substance of which all things are created. He created the universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, etc. Its full name is Apu Qun Tiqsi Wiraqucha and Con-Tici (also spelled Kon-Tiki) Viracocha.
In the drawing of the Andean cosmovision made by the chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti in which can be seen the Qoricancha the temple of the sun, we can observe the symbol of Viracocha represented by an egg that generates life, order and origin. This represents an egg-shaped stone that is located inside the cathedral of Cusco, which before being a cathedral was the palace of Viracocha. Thus was imposed the Catholic religion. It is located on the left hand of the main door of the cathedral and is venerated by the parishioners who attend the morning masses showing the syncretism, the union and the survival of the two cultures and the two religions, the Catholic religion and the Andean religion. Despite all attempts to eradicate it, nonetheless it survived.
Many people, usually the elderly, go very early to the cathedral, but do not participate in the mass. They just enter and immediately approach this stone, sit next to it, close their eyes and begin to meditate by it a moment to make contact, show respect, and veneration to this symbol that represents the god Viracocha. When you visit this stone you can see that around it there are coca leaves which are left every day as an offering to this God.
For the mystical masters, this egg-shaped granite stone has a very important mission on earth. It is responsible for transmuting heavy energy (jucha) into refined energy (sami), an ancient function that continues to this day.
According to Andean priests, the stone plays a very important role in the rite of the great initiation called Hatun Karpay, which aims to work on the exchange of energy.