
The Color Yellow Makes New Year’s Shine in Cuzco

Almost every year-end you will see yellow everywhere in Cuzco. Many people will ask why. What do people expect from it? Or, is it just used because people expect it and you better use it to fit in with every one else?

The color yellow is one of the primary colors and also one of the most important. It is a symbol of luck and prosperity, as many people describe it. Just as the sun is radiant and filled with energy, so yellow means “much energy”.

The color yellow has become in Cuzco once of the important colors for the month of December. Some colors are attached to months, here. For example, February is the month of love and hence the month of red. The month of October is attached to the Lord of Miracles and so is the month of purple. December, of course, is Christmas and New Year’s and so carries yellow.

Besides being tradition, since this color is worn and displayed each year at this time, the issue is one of psychology. You attract what you believe in. As a result, for most people, yellow has become the color of good luck, good vibes, good fortune, and much more.

Yellow Flower Petals for New Year's
Yellow Flower Petals for New Year’s

The streets of Cuzco and elsewhere in our Peru are dressed with yellow. Of course you see this more in places where there are sales. Frome the ground of every hous, yellow will stare up at you. It is the color of the confetti that people cast. The sprinkle it all ove rhte house and in every room in order to call good luck to them.

There are other things in yellow as well. Flowers are very important, as is optimism. There are also many objects of clothing in yellow that people will use, such as underwear, dreses, caps, glasses, and much, much more.

In any case, whether you wear yellow or not, whether you have yellow flowers around or not, whether you spend New Year’s alone or with your family and friends, may you receive the New Year with much energy and vibes, with poitive mindsets, in order to leave behind the old and welcome the new.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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