Saqsayhuaman and Its Connection with Deity
On top of a mountain on the edge of Cusco is found the great fortress of Saqsayhuaman. From there a sacred falcon controls the city fo the puma and contemplates the whole city’s panorama. This was a temple and is still dedicated to Andean cosmology. There people venerate the Tayta Inti (the sun), the Mama Killa (the moon), the chaska (stars), Illapa (lightning) and other divinities.
Saqsayhuamán is one of the great lithic monuments of Inca architecture. It is known as the Royal House of the Sun. Here is where the dramatization of Inti Raymi is carried out, the great feast of the sun celebrated every June 24th. Every year thousands of visitors come to it.
Mornings, the first rays of the sun illuminate the fortress, shining on its zigzagging terraces. The morning sun’s light caresses each stone of the walls.
This archeological center is a great temple that is well worth knowing and whose beauty is worth admiring. Here we share with you a video of the fortress of Saqsayhuaman.