Happy Day, Compadre: A Day of Joy, Color, Dance and a lot of Passion
Today, as the second Thursday before Carnaval Sunday, this year in February, the Day of the “Compadre” is celebrated. It is a festival that brings together the population of Cusco through allegories, dances, and delicious cuisine. Likewise, in this way, Cusco’s carnival begins.
Today in all neighborhoods of Cusco, as a joke, it is a local custom to hang a doll that satirizes a prominent compadre–a godfather or man since almost everyone is a godfather in this city–in the social, political and entertainment world of Cusco. In places, the yunzas, or cortamontes—the tree cutters—are set up.
These are the main attraction of this fiesta that consists of play with water, talcum powder, and confetti.
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