Food & DrinksPeruvian FoodTraditional Food

Christmas and Hot Chocolate with Panettones and Biscochos

Christmas is anxiously awaited by children with excitement. They love it. They can’t wait to eat panettone with a hot chocolate and to receive a gift from their parents.

Hot chocolate can never be missing on Christmas. This is what the children and adults like the best. We make it from chocolate and milk, with cinnamon and some cloves. That is why we call it “chocolatada”, it is not exactly chocolate, but a combination of ingredients.

Its flavor is delicious. You do not taste just the chocolate or the milk but a marriage of them and the spices.

The scent draws you from some distance away. It is the smell of comfort and happiness. It reminds you of your family. In your mouth this scent becomes even more intense as it is transformed into flavor. All your sense organs come into play.

In the same way  our biscochos and panettones have amazing flavor with lots of fruits and raisins. People enjoy them with their cups of hot chocolate. Many even dip their biscochos or slices of paneton into the hot chocolate to mix the flavors.

Peruvian Paneton
Peruvian Paneton

Right now, the colorful packages and loud advertising are promoting panettones all over Cuzco. They come in a variety of prices and brands. Whichever you choose you are joining in one of Peru’s important customs.

In the streets of the city, such as Calle Nueva, Puente Grau, Puente Santiago, and Puente Belen, among others, they make a great fair to sell panettones along with other Christmas products. These include fireworks, lights, clothes, wines, champaign cookies, and more. Of course you will find lots of chocolates, panettones, biscochos, etc.


Many persons carry their purchases in their hands or in bags. Many of them also are willing to give advice on what you might wish to buy, according to what you wish to spend and the quality you want.

These days the downtown, and markets, including the new mall, are very congested with people. It is recommendable that you buy early to save time and keep your family happy.


Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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