Traditional Remedies

Beautiful and Soothing, the Panti Panti Flower Remedies a Cold

A plant native to the Andes, panti panti (cosmos peucedanifolius) is a medicinal herb considered very important among our native kit for healing. People know it with the doubled name, where the same word is repeated as emphasis, but now a days most people in Cuzco simply call it panti.

This plant can withstand winter cold in the Andean heights. It grows from altitudes of 3500 meters above sea level to 3700, especially in places like Anta, Pivil-Huancariri, etc. It stands erect on a stem that has no leaver. It flower is purple and possesses a pleasing scent when you make a tea from it.

During the months of January, February and the first days of March, panti panti flowers and people gather the flowers to store for the whole year. This medicinal plant is quite useful.  It relieves the symptoms of colds: cough, bronchial congestion. In addition it calms asthma and works as a natural expectorant.

The panti panti is a remedy used for young children to soothe the sicknesses caused by our Andean cold.

Precisely in the months when many people get sick with flu and colds panti panti is blooming and is there to help us. Why not have a panti panti tea to try to reduce their effects.

Panti Panti Tea
Panti Panti Tea

Where can you find panti panti? The neighborhood markets are a good source. There the herb vendors carry a wide selection of medicinal plants, panti panti among them. If you ask for the section of fresh and medicinal plants you will be directed right to them. The vendors, caseras, are also a source of knowledge and wisdom. You can tell them your symptoms and they will give you instructions on how best to use the plants to feel better and may also recommend other plants that have similar effects.

To make the tea you take five panti panti flowers and add boiling water. Let them sit for a few minutes and then you sip the tea. You can also take it with sugar if you wish. Remember that the flowers are the part of the panti panti plant used for this tea, never the stems.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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