
5 Things That You Need in Your Backpack When You Visit Cusco

Every year people from different countries come to the city of Cusco to visit tourist attractions such as Machupicchu and to get to know the culture and folklore. They come either with full packages or on their own. If you would like to visit this beautiful city, you should keep in mind these 5 things that you need in your backpack.

City map

Cusco City Map
Cusco City Map

This object is essential for visitors. You can find maps in most travel agencies and hotels where you stay. These maps are somewhat small and show only the place where those establishments are located. The most complete maps can be found at the DIRCETUR Tourist Information Office located on Mantas street a few meters from the main square.

Rain poncho

Rain Poncho
Rain Poncho

In the months of November to February the weather in the city is very changeable; in the mornings it is sunny but in the afternoons the sky becomes cloudy and it starts to rain. If it is your turn to be in this situation it is advisable to have a rain poncho on hand to not get wet and continue with your visit to the city.

A bag of coca leaves or coca sweets

Making a Kintu of Coca Leaves to Share with the Pacha Mama in the Way to Machu Picchu
Coca Leaves in the Way to Machu Picchu

The change of climate affects a large percentage of visitors and for this the coca leaf is good. It is advisable to sip coca tea while you acclimatize little by little. But if you have counted your minutes to visit everything you can, it is advisable to chew some leaves or bring some coca sweets. At the time of chewing, you should not swollow more than just the juice of the coca leaf. You should chew and put the content in one of your cheeks, thus draining only the coca leaf juice. You will notice that your tongue may go numb.


Mineral Water
Mineral Water

This is very important although, I know that you already know. After having your coca tea, it is recommended you drink water so that your body will get acclimated little by little. If you drink toomuch coca tea you can get a stomach ache.



If you have breathing problems and are aware it is advisable to take oxygen. Now, there are presentations in easy use bottles. Also, most companies dedicated to tourism have in their security kit.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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