
The Heart of Cuzco’s Gastronomy, Its Vino Canchón Market

Vino Canchón is the largest market in the City of Cuzco and its major wholesale market. Located in the district of San Jeronimo, this market supplies the whole city as well as nearby districts such as San Salvador and Urcos.

If you go to the market you will see that it is organized by sections. Each carries a sign to differentiate it. For example there is a section for meat, one for vegetables, and so on for each type of product.

From 3 am movement begins in the Vino Canchón market. Trucks arrive filled with different products from almost all of Peru. After unloading the trucks, the vendors and the men who work to help carry purchases organize themselves for a day of sales to the public.

A Variety of Cuzco's Potatoes
A Variety of Cuzco’s Potatoes

This market is open every day. On the days around fiestas, when the custom is to cook for family and friends, as well as on Sundays, the market fills with clients buying food and taking it home.

In this market are sold the vast majority of the products needed for Cuzco’s gastronomy, as well as ingredients for our variety of traditional dishes. It is also attracts large numbers of Cuzqueños because the products are always fresh and relatively inexpensive.’

It is also one of the few places remaining where our mother language, Quechua, dominates. The vendors also dress in traditional clothing. All day long, people speak to each other in the traditional language of our region and the vendors wear colorful skirts that we call polleras (poh-yéh-rahs), blouses, and the various hats of our region, especially the white stove-pipe hats of the market women.

Inside Vino Canchon Market
Inside Vino Canchon Market

The vendors in this market are very warm and friendly. They offer you various ways to purchase the quantity you need of the products. One of the most common phrases is “pase casero, pregunte”, “come on in my friend, ask what you wish.” They will also tell you from where their produce comes and which are the best.

In order to make purchases, it is recommendable that you go very early in order to find the freshest fruit and vegetables. You also save yourself from the crowds.

At the Vino Canchón market there are various options for transportation to help you get your purchases home. Public buses serve it, arriving from various parts of the city. There are also a lot of taxis who ask you where they can take you, as you approach.

The market is a lively and engaging place. It will draw you in and fascinate you. Its stalls are the heart of Cuzco’s culinary life.

Vegetables Section
Vegetables Section


Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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  1. Soy professora de español y le agradezco su blog bien escrito y informativo. Lo uso para ofrecer a mis alumnos una vista alternativa a El Perú. Las fotos elegidas apoyan el entendimiento. gracias –

    1. Profesora Celia. Muchas gracias por su comentario tan gentil. Nos encanta que nuestro sitio sea útil para sus estudiantes. Esperamos sigan visitando el sitio siempre y que algún día tengan la oportunidad de conocer el país en persona. Por favor le rogamos les haga llegar muchos saludos a sus alumnos del equipo de Cuzco Eats, sus nuevos amigos peruanos, y le mandamos muchas felicitaciones a Ud. por su labor de docencia y nuestro agradecimiento por comentar a sus alumnos en cuanto a nosotros.

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