
Machu Picchu Museum – Casa Concha Cusco

In the city of Cusco, the vestiges and remains of the Inca civilization overflow throughout the city, original walls that with the passing of the years still stand firm. Many other vestiges that can be found in the museums within the city of Cusco.

This museum, the Casa Concha, contains a collection of pieces found in Machu Picchu during the excavations of Hiram Bingham in 1912 and have been returned by Yale University in 2011.

There are 366 pieces that are exhibited in this museum, pieces of different types of materials such as ceramics and metal. Also, many other objects are there that are for the study of professionals and that are not exhibited inside the museum.

The place where this museum is located has gone through many historical events. In the Inca time, this place was called the Puka Marca the residence of Tupac Inca Yupanqui son of Pachacuteq Inca. Later, with the arrival of the Spaniards, this place was delivered in the distribution of goods to Captain Pedro del Barco.

This place served as a refuge for the Spanish during the attack of Manco Inca on the city of Cusco. In the colony, this place was one of the most beautiful houses since it was built for one of the most influential people in the colony as a reflection of its power and wealth to Don Diego Concha y Salvatierra.

From the entrance, you can see windows and balconies with a great work in baroque wood and Andean crespo. Passing through a entrance hall, we enter the main courtyard where there is a very traditional colonial water source.

To enter this place one must register at the door. The entrance prices are:

– 20.00 soles, general public
– 10.00 soles, international student
– 10.00 soles, national visitor
– 5.00 soles, national student
– Free admission for the Cusco public on showing their ID

Just inside can be seen a beautiful renaissance and baroque style construction with many details, such as painted walls. The route is clearly marked and passes through different rooms that have scenes from the life of Hiram Bingham about his expedition and some characters who also participated in it.

You can also find audiovisual material in each of the rooms that contain a lot of information. This place is really surprising since you can see an extraordinary work by the Incas and the colony.

The passages of the history of ancient Peru await in this and many other museums where you can see signs of what the Inca culture and the colonial era would have been like.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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