
Plastic a Great Environmental Problem

In recent years, plastic has become such a popular and indispensable material that is part of our daily life. It is one of the materials that we use the most. It is present in what we eat, drink and in the air we breathe.

It seems that it is practically impossible to avoid the use of plastic in everyday life. It is within our reach all day, from the toothbrush we use, when buying bread, our lunch box is made of plastic. If we are thirsty we buy water that is bottled in plastic and it is even present in what we eat. It’sll plastic, now we sell eggs made of plastic, rice also plastic, fish plastic etc. Everything we sell is bagged in plastic.

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If we ask ourselves why we use it, the answer would be because it is easy and cheap to manufacture and because it lasts a long time. Unfortunately, these same advantages make it a serious threat to human health, and to our flora and fauna, since it is the number one pollution. Due to its low price, people quickly get rid of it. Its long existence makes it last for many years in the environment, causing great damage We are managing to destroy our planet and destroy ourselves, because these are products with a very limited capacity for self-destruction.

It is amazing how much plastic we generate every day around the world. According to studies in the 1950s, the world produced two million tons of plastic per year. Now they are 330 million tons.

The plastic crisis is more serious than we can imagine and recycling bottles is not enough. What we need is that all of us who are sellers and consumers become aware and learn that we can recycle, compost or burn and, if we want to buy, we carry our cloth bags, jute bags, or reed baskets.

We should educate our children with that example, It is our job as citizens to take care of our environment.

The Commission of the Andean Peoples approved the proposal that seeks to regulate the use of bags, straw and Styrofoam in Peru.

If we all collaborate, we can save our planet and save ourselves.

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