
The Night of Lights and Sound will Thrill Cusco

Tonight, the Plaza de Armas of Cusco will dress in multicolored lights, fireworks, music and lots of fun. From 6 pm, the population of Cusco and its national and international visitors will be witnesses and will share a unique night in Cusco’s year.

Every year at this time the population waits to see and be part of a cultural and musical spectacle during the Night of Lights and Sound.

The program will begin with a presentation by the symphonic band of Cusco.  To this celebration will also be added local bands with a long musical trajectory such as Arco Iris among others.

The spectacle will be directed by two national personalities of the entertainment world, Mari Carmen Marín and Adolfo Aguilar. They will be on the stage installed in the door of the Cathedral.  From there they can enliven and play with the great multitude of people who will await them with energy for this unforgettable night.

Just as all the other years there will be a specific moment when the sky of the city will be illuminated with fireworks filled with different forms and colors. They will explode on high and will please the spectators’ eyes with a moment of color and fiesta.

This spectacle of light and sound is offered by EMUFEC (the Municipal Enterprise of Celebrations in Cusco), the Cerveza Cusqueña, Claro, and the Commission of Governors of the Municipality of Cusco.  They will be in charge of the general program tonight for this colorful night filled with surprises.

From two days ago things have been coming together on the Plaza and getting ready for this great night. The technical equipment for light and sound have been in place to give us a spectacle without equal in our experience.

The entire population is invited to enjoy the fiestas of Cusco with joy and pride.  Everyone will be surprised and thrilled by the magic that thanks to new technologies is prepared for us tonight.

The Night of Lights and Sound is a familiar event where we all share moments of joy and color. It is also a combination of different artistic and cultural expression in the midst of a modern spectacle filled with light and music.

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