
How to Distinguish Natural from Artificial Rice

Rice has become indispensable for the family table. It is one of the foods that a great amount of plates require. This cereal is the second most produced and the most consumed in the world after corn.

Lately viral videos have appeared where rice is made of plastic. In these videos you can see how they put plastic in machines to process it and make “fake rice”. At the end, they impregnate the aroma of rice grains making it difficult to detect fraud.

Artificial rice and natural rice
Artificial rice and natural rice

Consuming this type of rice is very harmful to our health. Here we will give you some tips to differentiate true rice from false.

1.- Water Test

To a glass with cold water add a handful of uncooked rice and shake it. If all the rice sinks in the bottom of the glass, then this rice is good. If the grain bottoms float on the surface it is surely fake rice.

2.- Fire test

Put a handful of rice on the fire, if it burns immediately and has a smell of burning plastic you should not consume it since it is false.

3.- Mortar test

Put a handful of rice in a mortar and start crushing it. You will notice that it is easily reduced to a fine powder similar to starch. If the rice and artificial you notice that it shoes a slightly yellow color.

4.- Mold test

Put a handful of cooked rice in an airtight container and leave it in a closed place but not in a refrigerator. In a few days the rice should have mold. The false rice will not produce mold because it is artificial.

Not only rice is being replaced of late, but also vegetables, shrimp and eggs are now made with chemicals harmful to our health. We must constantly inform ourselves and and carry out tests to know that we are eating.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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