Traditional Food

Arequipa’s Passion Takes On Peru

Queso Helado, frozen cheese, is a well known desert in Peru. Day by day its taste captivates more and more people. It has a delicious flavor because of the ingredients that it requires. What is funny, though, is that it does not taste like cheese despite its name.

This creamy treat comes from Arequipa originally. It is one of the places in our country where milk is produced. It is also where the largest dairy companies are centered, such as Gloria, S.A., the largest and most well known. Since good quality milk is found there and is canned, people used cans of condensed milk along with grated coconut and cinnamon, cloves, and vanilla to make queso helado.

It is now found in most ice cream shops and is as common now as desserts such as rice pudding or jello.

Born in Arequipa, queso helado has come to be known as one of the traditional deserts of the place.
It prices vary, depending on how much you want to order. It begins around 2S/ (less than one dollar). It is dished up like other ice cream in cups.

The dish has become so well known that there is now a day when it is celebrated; the fourth Sunday in January throughout Peru is called the “Day of Arequipan QAueso Helado”.

Making Frozen Cheese at Mistura
Making Frozen Cheese at Mistura

Nevertheless, it is simple to prepare this dleight. IF you have all the ingredients you can whip it up quickly. To make it you heat fresh milk with the vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and coconut until its is denser, sieve it, add condensed milk, and freeze. Anyone can make it at home.

This dessert has become so well known and so celebrated that it is even offered in the Mistura gastronomic festival as well as the Dulce Peru festival.

Everyone in Arequipa is very proud of the dessert and they promote it throughout the country as a means of not only sharing something delicious but also their pride as people of Arequipa, one of Peru’s largest cities. You will find it in almost every festival and fair as well as in most ice cream shops. It is there to be enjoyed.


Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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