
Graffiti and Love for Cusco

Graffiti is one of the pillars of Hip Hop, just like Rap, Break Dance, and Djs.  In the city of Cusco, Hip Hop is not new, it is just carried out in different ways in different parts of the city.

Unlike the murals seen in many institutions, graffiti is like imagination.

Kief Echegaray Rodríguez (Brayan Coraza Morveli)
Kief Echegaray Rodríguez (Brayan Coraza Morveli)

Artists, many of whom have no formal training and come from different places seem to have been born with this gift. Here are the words of one.

“My name is Kief Echegaray Rodríguez. I am 19 years old and like all kids my age I share most of the same things, like music, dance, etc. My dedication to art began, maybe, when I was small through music and that is still one of my favorite passtimes.

“I also love to dance Break Dance and Capoeira. I have been practicing for a couple of years. Another passion of mine not dar behind is drawing and so graffiti really caught my attention. All the basic techniques I leared from watching other artists as well as people who were learning them.

“My greatest inpsiration is my Cusco, so many beautiful palces, so filled with culture, stroeis, myths, and legends. The people are very humble and pleasant. They always encourage me to reach for my goals.

“For this reason, and much more, art flows in my veins and this passion I dedicate to my family, my friends, and my beloved Cusco. From time to time I make grafittis in mmy notebooks and have made some of them into large prints. I also halso worked on walls that just need a little color to brighten the day of whoever goes by.

“I recommend all young people dedicate their time to things they like and enjoy, such as playing football, dancing, singing, and so one. Do not dedicate yourselves to vices, such as alcohol and drugs.”

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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