Food & Drinks

Food in the Markets Pleases

The food section of our markets fills with people daily. They come to look for something to eat or simply out of curiosity. Stands that serve up hot, prepared food are open from early in the morning until about 4 in the afternoon, more or less, beginning with breakfast and ending with lunch.

Everyday the stands open to the public so the public can enjoy all the daily food offerings. While some places always offer the same thing, such as rice with egg, others change their offerings every day. Some have a fixed clientele and it is clear why. People love their food.

Chuño Lawa Soup
Chuño Lawa Soup

From the chicken soups and panza soups for a good breakfast to the extras to drive away hunger at midday you will find a large list of dishes offered along with many different prices. There is something for everyone.

Among the most demanded are lomo saltado, chicken seco, and beef seco, chicken with rice, chicken milanesa, breaded beef, patitas scamble, squash locro, beans, pork or beef chop, lentils, tarwi with cheese, chicken stew, and many others from which you can choose.

At midday, the fixed meals, called menus, are about 5 /S or about 1.60$US. This includes a soup and a choice of main dish, called a Segundo, and a glass of a tea or flavored water. Every day people not only love to order the menu, they also order up a whole variety of extra dishes, as the are called, a la carte main dishes. These include tomatoed tongue, fried ribs, breaded udder, pan-fried steak, etc. Prices go from 8 /S to 15 or 18 /S.

Tarwi with Fried Fish
Tarwi with Fried Fish

All of the stands are fill with people who day by day buy in the markets as well as those who work in it. The most well known markets where you can get good food are Vino Canch[on, San Pedro, and Wanchaq. In general, though, almost all the markets of the city have food sections.

If you are close to one of our markets you will enjoy the opportunity of checking out the flavors of their cooking and satisfy your hunger with any of the foods they offer. You will be happy.

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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