
This is how the Warachicuy 2019 was carried out

The Warachicuy is an important fiesta like the Inti Raymi that takes place in the city of Cusco. The National College of Sciences (elementary through high school) is responsible for carrying it out in conjunction with authorities and companies responsible for the promotion of tourism in the city of Cusco.

The participants in this staging are from the school, both as teachers and students. In addition, this year, 2019, had guests like singer-songwriter Nivardo Carrillo who several times played the Inca in the staging of Inti Raymi.

The whole stage was surrounded by approximately 1000 chairs and a grandstand in front of the ushnu that they put up for the staging. The attendees were mostly relatives of the students of the institution.

Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)
Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)

The event started with traditional dances by the little ones, who so gracefully encouraged all the people watching. Gradually people arrive and the midday sun set a warm environment.

Finally the high school students arrived dressed and staging the warriors of the four quarters, of the colors red, yellow, green and red. All of them had imitations of shields and weapons.

On the other hand, all the tests for coming back of age were ready to enter the main stage. Finally, they gave the beginning voice with the pututus, traditional conch shell horns, and trotted towards the middle of the stage. Then the musicians also came out of the school, dancing around the stage.

After changing a melody the entire Inca army entered. After performing a dance, they all knelt to announce the entrance of the Inca and the Colla to the main stage. The acllas and other characters also made their entrance.

Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)
Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)

With the mother language of the Incas, I continued this whole ceremony until we reached the test part. The entire Inca army withdrew and returned with large wooden trunks on shoulders directed towards the center of the stage to put together a kind of game that require great skill.

These tests are the essence of Warachicuy, where young people test their value, skill and courage in different battles and games with a number of physical risks. When passed successfully, the tests allowed young people to become adults.

To carry out all the tests and reward those who passed, they began withdrawing the cast that participated in this staging, ending in this way.

Really a very impressive event. All the staging, dancing, shouting and all the participants made a great Warachicuy 2019.

Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)
Warachicuy 2019 (Brayan Coraza)

Brayan Coraza Morveli

Soy completamente cusqueño. Mi profesión es analista de sistemas. Me encanta escuchar y tocar la música andina tanto como bailar break. Me gusta también compartir mi experiencias como cusqueño con gente de otros lados. Una de mis metas es llegar a conocer mi cultura más profundamente y compartirla ampliamente con gente de otras generaciones tanto como con hermanos y hermanas de otros lados de nuestra planeta.

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